For media inquiries, contact
For general inquiries, contact us here

PPWC Represented at 2024 PA Leadership Conference

Amy Scheuring and Jill Hartman were honored to be part of a panel discussion facilitated by Judge Cheryl Lynn Allen on Pregnancy Centers: Protecting Pregnancy Help Statewide. Educating our communities and key influencers on who we are and the impact we make in our local communities is part of the PPWC mission.

April 6, 2024
How to Become a Member

Your membership packet includes the who, what, why and how to become a member of the Pennsylvania Pregnancy Wellness Collaborative. Join us Today!  You advocate for your clients every day. It's time to advocate for your pregnancy center's existence. The fight has been brought to our door and we are stronger together. Join as an active member and you will receive these benefits:

  • Membership
  • Membership Listing
  • Legislative Recognition
  • Access to Copy for Official Statements
  • Training on Messaging & Talking Points
  • Exclusive Invitations
  • Access to Sustaining Members
  • Local Political Events & Tours of Your Facility

October 1, 2023
“Center for Accountability” Launches Attack Against Pennsylvania Pregnancy Center

Last week, the “Center for Accountability” launched a multi-page attack against a pregnancy center located in eastern Pennsylvania. This letter, reported on by NBC, shared many inaccuracies regarding the work of pregnancy medical and resource centers in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Pregnancy Wellness Collaborative is a collaborative of pregnancy medical and resource centers in Pennsylvania, and we …

May 1, 2024
PPWC Invited Guests on Positively Pro Life Podcast

Sarah and Jill joined our friend Maria Gallagher of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation for a recent “Positively Pro Life” podcast. Thank you Maria for giving us the opportunity to share about the powerful impact Pregnancy Centers across our commonwealth make on maternal health.

May 8, 2024
Join us at our Annual Summit!  

Join us at our Annual Summit! Our annual Summit is coming up! We would love to have you attend. This year, our theme will be “Impacting Maternal and Child Health Outcomes.” You will learn about how your ministry is uniquely suited to tackle the maternal mortality rate in your community and why this messaging is …

April 6, 2024
Crucial Conversations for Life

Thank you to those who were able to attend our first “Crucial Conversation for Life” event in partnership with Bright Hope Pregnancy Support Center! This event was a tremendous success, with more than two hundred individuals in attendance. The leadership of the PPWC would like to encourage each pregnancy center to consider hosting a similar …

April 6, 2024
New Unified Voice for Pregnancy Resource Centers Launches in Pennsylvania

What a great day in Harrisburg sharing about the amazing impact our centers make across our commonwealth. “The physical and mental well-being of women must be a top priority for state officials and members of the Pennsylvania Pregnancy Wellness Collaborative are well-equipped to help meet many of the vital needs in local communities,” stated Amy …

March 21, 2024
Join us for Day of Advocacy

We invite you to join pregnancy medical clinics and resource centers in the Capitol Media Center on Tuesday, March 19th from 9-10am for an introductory press conference announcing the launch of the Pennsylvania Pregnancy Wellness Collaborative (PPWC), a new initiative that will provide a unified voice for pregnancy centers in support of policies that elevate …

March 7, 2024
Save the Date

Mark your calendar to attend the PA March for Life in Harrisburg on September 23rd.

February 23, 2024
Abortion Reporting in PA just published by Lozier Institute

Thank you Lozier Institute for providing us the latest PA Abortion Reporting 2022 compilation. Sadly there was in increase of 5% in abortions reported in PA in 2022 from 2021.

February 15, 2024
It’s a WIN for Pregnancy Centers

The PPWC is so grateful to have friends like NIFLA and The Thomas More Society to stand up for us legally. Please take a moment to read about this win. Together we are all stronger.

December 14, 2023
11/29/23 Press Release

PA Attorney General Michelle Henry has recently offered advice to consumers about pregnancyrelated services.

November 29, 2023
How to Become a Member

Your membership packet includes the who, what, why and how to become a member of the Pennsylvania Pregnancy Wellness Collaborative. Join us Today!  You advocate for your clients every day. It's time to advocate for your pregnancy center's existence. The fight has been brought to our door and we are stronger together. Join as an active member and you will receive these benefits:

  • Membership
  • Membership Listing
  • Legislative Recognition
  • Access to Copy for Official Statements
  • Training on Messaging & Talking Points
  • Exclusive Invitations
  • Access to Sustaining Members
  • Local Political Events & Tours of Your Facility

October 1, 2023
Meet the Team

A small steering committee is hard at work for you! All are leaders in pregnancy care organizations from across the State. Find out why they feel the PPWC is vital for our work.

September 1, 2023
Press Release

Our first Statewide Summit in August brought over 100 representatives from across PA to launch the PPWC. Read the Press Release here.

August 23, 2023
Defunding Pregnancy Centers Sacrifices Women’s Safety

Guest Columnist Amy Scheuring, Executive Director Women’s Choice Network in Pittsburgh Governor Josh Shapiro signed his first state budget last week and his administration announced that it will allow the long-standing contract with Real Alternatives to expire.

August 16, 2023
“Center for Accountability” Launches Attack Against Pennsylvania Pregnancy Center

Last week, the “Center for Accountability” launched a multi-page attack against a pregnancy center located in eastern Pennsylvania. This letter, reported on by NBC, shared many inaccuracies regarding the work of pregnancy medical and resource centers in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Pregnancy Wellness Collaborative is a collaborative of pregnancy medical and resource centers in Pennsylvania, and we …

May 1, 2024
PPWC Invited Guests on Positively Pro Life Podcast

Sarah and Jill joined our friend Maria Gallagher of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation for a recent “Positively Pro Life” podcast. Thank you Maria for giving us the opportunity to share about the powerful impact Pregnancy Centers across our commonwealth make on maternal health.

May 8, 2024
PPWC Represented at 2024 PA Leadership Conference

Amy Scheuring and Jill Hartman were honored to be part of a panel discussion facilitated by Judge Cheryl Lynn Allen on Pregnancy Centers: Protecting Pregnancy Help Statewide. Educating our communities and key influencers on who we are and the impact we make in our local communities is part of the PPWC mission.

April 6, 2024
Crucial Conversations for Life

Thank you to those who were able to attend our first “Crucial Conversation for Life” event in partnership with Bright Hope Pregnancy Support Center! This event was a tremendous success, with more than two hundred individuals in attendance. The leadership of the PPWC would like to encourage each pregnancy center to consider hosting a similar …

April 6, 2024
New Unified Voice for Pregnancy Resource Centers Launches in Pennsylvania

What a great day in Harrisburg sharing about the amazing impact our centers make across our commonwealth. “The physical and mental well-being of women must be a top priority for state officials and members of the Pennsylvania Pregnancy Wellness Collaborative are well-equipped to help meet many of the vital needs in local communities,” stated Amy …

March 21, 2024
Save the Date

Mark your calendar to attend the PA March for Life in Harrisburg on September 23rd.

February 23, 2024